Centralised software on Prospero is installed by Alces Flight within their gridware
environment. We recommend starting the gridware within your startup script (e.g. .bash_profile
) with
flight start
flight env activate gridware
It is possible to create customised environments within flight
, e.g. for research groups needing a common set of packages. If you require this, please submit a support ticket.
Starting gridware
makes the module
command available, which provides access to common packages and libraries. To see a list of available modules, issue the command:
module avail
To then load, for example, the latest available version of python3
, one can issue the command:
module load apps/python3
For more information on modules, see this link. Below we provide recommended module lists for use with popular software packages on Prospero.
Recommended modules
Intel OneAPI compiler suite with OpenMpi
module load apps/oneapi/2021.2.0
module load compiler-rt
module load tbb
module load mpi/openmpi
Lorem ipsum
There is currently 2 versions of StarCCM installed. version 16 and version 18
flight env activate gridware
module load apps/starccm/16.02.008-R8
# Simulation Case File:
# Machinefile:
# Write Node List to Machinefile:
scontrol show hostname ${SLURM_JOB_NODELIST} > ${MACHINEFILE}
# Simcenter Licence Server Address:
# POD Licence Key:
# Start Parallel STAR-CCM+ Job:
starccm+ -power -np ${SLURM_NTASKS} -machinefile ${MACHINEFILE} -batch ${INPUT} -collab -rr -rrthreads 63 -rgraphics mesa -graphics mesa
Take note that -rr -rrthreads 63 -rgraphics mesa -graphics mesa
is required to be included. This is due to there is a known issue with StarCCM and AMD EPYC CPU’s
Code and documentation available here.
Note that the recommended modules for SWIFT are slightly more complicated, as we have found that it helps to use openmpi
compiled against a specific version of the low-level ucx
communication library.
module load apps/oneapi/2021.2.0
module load compiler-rt
module load tbb
module load mpi/openmpi/4.0.5/intel-2021.2.0+ucx-1.8.0
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/apps/alces/ucx/1.11.2+intel-2021.2.0+el8/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
export PATH=/opt/apps/alces/oneapi/2021.2.0/compiler/2021.2.0/linux/bin/intel64/:$PATH
module load libs/metis/5.1.0/intel-2021.2.0
module load libs/gsl/2.6/intel-2021.2.0
module load libs/fftw3_double/3.3.8/intel-2021.2.0+openmpi-4.0.5
module load apps/hdf5_mpi/1.12.0/intel-2021.2.0+openmpi-4.0.5
module load libs/sundials_sp/5.8.0/intel-2021.2.0
Note that the sundials
differential equation solver is only needed if you are using versions of SWIFT
that use the CHIMES
chemistry network (e.g. the COLIBRE
Relatedly with SWIFT, it is recommended to export the following environment variables in slurm
job submission scripts:
export OMPI_MCA_btl_openib_allow_ib=1
export OMPI_MCA_btl_openib_if_include="mlx5_0:1"
export OMPI_MCA_btl=^vader,tcp,openib,uct
In the event of code lock-ups, we advise reducing the value of UCX_IB_RCACHE_MAX_REGIONS
by factors of 2 until the issue resolves. We have seen some cases where values as low as 4096 are needed for stability, at the expense of performance.
The gridware
environment includes an installation of Anaconda that can be enabled via
flight env activate gridware
module load apps/anaconda3/2023.03/bin
Once activated, Anaconda should be initialised using the following command.
conda init <SHELL>
Essentially, this step modifies the configuration file(s) for the requested shell(s) by adding the commands that launch Anaconda. This way, Anaconda is automatically loaded upon subsequent logins and you can skip enabling step described above. The default shell available on Prospero is Bash
A comprehensive introduction to Anaconda is beyond the scope of this document, and we refer the reader to the official documentation available here. However, you can create a new environment, arbitrarily called testenv
in our case, via
conda create -n testenv
and afterwards activate it via
conda activate testenv
Once activated, Python modules can be added to the new environment via, e.g.,
conda install numpy
Using a Python environment in your Slurm scripts
In order to use your Python environment in a job submitted to the queue, you will need to load it first. To that aim, add the following lines to your batch script before running any Python code
flight env activate gridware
module load apps/anaconda3/2023.03/bin
eval "$( conda shell.bash hook )"
conda activate testenv
Following those lines, you can run any Python program using your environment by including lines like the following in the script.
srun python